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The most important homework you can undertake with your child is to hear them read, read with them and read to them - then talk about what you have read. Further information about starting to read  at Carlton Road is on its own page.

We ask you to record your child's reading activity in their Reading Record; older children may record their own for you, to sign.

Younger children will also have phonics to practise too.



We send home reading books and books you can read to your child.  You can also choose books from the library to take home too. 




Depending on their Year group your child will have accounts for a range of platforms to log on to their homework online, as directed by their teachers. 

These are the same platforms that they have access to at school and include: 

Spelling Shed  -for spelling   Bedrock - for reading and vocabulary Lexia for reading and comprehension Times Table Rock Stars Maths 

Class teachers  may also set separate tasks or projects depending on the topic the children are working on.

If your child has a gap/s in their understanding or has missed some school, for example due to medical reasons, in conjunction with parents and after a discussion, mutually agreeable additional tasks may be set to help a child catch-up.

In years 2 and 5 - 6 we also offer tutoring after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays for children where we want to support them to embed skills or accelerate their progress.  

We are also delighted to see any independent learning undertaken at home!


We are part of the Voyage Education Partnership

Voyage Education Partnership Venture House, Enterprise Way Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 7TW