Our Early Years Offer at Carlton Road
Our Early Years Offer
We can offer our children a start in school from the beginning of their preschool year, when they become eligible for a place in our Nursery Class. We are able to provide up to the equivalent of 26 full time places and the class has a fully qualified teacher and teaching assistant.
From the start of their Reception year i.e. the academic year a child turns 5, we welcome up to 60 children into our Early Years Setting where we have two teachers and three support assistants.
We can offer two exceptionally spacious rooms and an adventurous out door area too, where our pupils can learn through play and adult initiated activities.
The school follows the Trust’s Early years Policy, see link below, aspects of which may be contextualised to meet the needs of our children and catchment area.
The academy's EYFS Risk Assessment Booklet can be viewed by clicking the link below:
Children’s progress is recorded and shared by both school and parents on the Tapestry App, you can find out more abut this on our Tapestry page.
Prospective pupils are welcome to visit us and should contact the office for an appointment.